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Meet Janet-Lee Ropas


Janet-Lee Ropas

Hi & Welcome to my home! Well, really my virtual heart temple, because home is where the heart is, and I poured my heart into this magical space in excited anticipation of your visit! So please relax, take a long delicious breath, and inhale all the wisdom & wonder I have to share with you! 


But first let me introduce myself, I am Janet-Lee Ropas, a Heart Igniter, Women's Empowerment Coach, Teacher & Guide, Sacred Space Holder, Priestess of Sacred Union, Writer, Dancer, Creator & Visionary for Global Healing, guiding women to reclaim & embrace all parts of themselves…unapologetically. I am on a mission to ignite hearts to live & love with wild abandon, because joy & pleasure are our birthrights and we are SO worthy of our desires. Although I didn’t start out this see...I was a former executive assistant on a Wall Street trading floor...with a psychology degree & minor in criminal justice...

Janet-Lee Ropas, Women's Empowerment Coach
Janet-Lee Ropas, Women's Empowerment Coach

I made a proclamation when I was 17 that I would never sit behind a desk all day in a 9-5 job because that was not meant for me, I’d go crazy. I was wiser than I realized, because I did go a little mad after my life took a hard right turn into Corporate America and instead of 9-5 it was 8-6ish, working on a trading floor, in one of the most intense environments of Wall Street. It is not what I set out to do, but it is where life brought me for 11 years. I am grateful for the experience as it has made me stronger, allowed me to gain wisdom I needed to help serve others on a deeper level, and it afforded me an awesome life in the heart of New York City for 6 years. As well as provided the funds to quench my nomadic heart’s desire to see all of the world. 


If your heart isn’t in it, all those lifestyle perks only get you so far, before you begin to downward spiral. Everyone’s spiral looks different. Mine looked like numbing out through emotional eating, binge drinking on the weekends, shopping in excess, and a jam-packed schedule, because if I actually slowed down I would have to hear my heart screaming - “YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE - GET OUT! NOW.” And making huge life changes can be scary so I didn’t really want to hear.


Eventually because our hearts are persistent and love always wins, I heard the scream, and then I heard my soul whisper, “If you do not leave now, you are going to die.” Meaning, my spirit was dimming and it was time to get out & shine. I replied to the Divine that day saying, “Yes. I don’t know how, but yes, I will leap.” All the universe needed to hear was my, "YES," and then magic was activated.


I leapt from Wall Street into Global Travels. I backpacked around the world, on & off, for 2 years, using NY as a home base. Most of my travels I was alone and was in awe of how many people told me how brave I was. I would kind of look over my shoulder to see who they were talking to because I was just doing what I needed to stay alive. In time I saw what they did - it was audacious to walk away from financial stability, home, and spend that much time alone. It was one of the greatest gifts I ever gave myself - freedom to just be, to wander, to connect with people & cultures all over the world. Most importantly, I found me, my truth, my passions, my heart, I learned to love myself unconditionally. Through loving myself I also reconnected with the Divine and my burning desires to help empower women and create a more loving and peaceful world. It took me on a decade long spiritual journey of deep diving into my heart & soul, to heal, release blocks, stories, trauma, and bust through resistance to step fully into my heart - to reclaim all of me. (And the journey continues to this day, but that decade was a particularly intense deep dive. It broke me open & shattered anything that wasn't the truth of who I am. It returned me to my truest I am love. You are love. We are all love).


b Snorkeling & swimming next to sea turtles at the Great Barrier Reef
b Hang Gliding in Brazil
b Exploring the pyramids of Egypt
b Hiking a glacier in New Zealand
b Taking a cooking class in Vietnam
b Volunteering at an orphanage in Thailand
b Soaking up the sun in Fiji
b Exploring cenotes & ziplining in Mexico
b Walking in water that may have had alligators in Costa Rica 
b Living in Maui for 2 months, exploring the road to Hana


b Phoenix Rising - 6 month spiritual mentoring program, led by Christine Arylo
b Priestess Initiation - 2 year training, led by Christine Arylo

b Dance Teacher of an embodied feminine sensual movement (+ pole dancing) for women at S Factor - taught for 5 years, 15 years as a student in that modality...dancing my whole life. This is part of the foundation of embodied movement I bring to all of my work.
b Soul Guidance & Sacred Mentoring Training - 1 year training, led by Alana Fairchild
b Courses on Sexuality - healing + expanding pleasure in a sacred & holistic way, led by Layla Martin

b Feminine Super Power Year - 1 year deep dive of learning how to “live, lead, & succeed the Feminine way,” led by Christine Arylo
b Female Voice & Sexuality workshop - learning how to use breath to truly be embodied, led by Awilda Verdejo, a retired world-        renowned opera singer

b Conscious Business Mastermind - 1 year program rooted in doing business with integrity & love, led by Caroline Leon

I left corporate America to live a life filled with freedom, love, grace, passion, and adventure. As you can see from the above, I was able to do just that. When we create space and make ourselves a priority, the world begins to open up in new and exciting ways. But first you have to tell the universe, “YES!”


Then there is a journey of moving through fear & resistance (which is why I’m here to guide you - I’ve done it, I know how to get to the other side of fear). This can be challenging, but life is challenging anyway, so you might as well move through the challenges with an ignitedHEART and create your dream life too!


I am here now shining my light and sharing my story because I believe in you and your power to rise up to live the life you desire, to live passionately & unapologetically. I believe that we are powerful beyond measure, prayer is our super power, and the combination of chocolate & peanut butter is heaven on earth.


Thank you for visiting my hearts online temple of love. I hope you really do stay awhile and make yourself at home while enjoying the adventures of life, love, and spirit I have to share. May you find the inspiration and courage to take the next step to the beat of your heart whispers and also a few laughs and shortcuts from all that I have learned.


Most of all, whether you are just passing through or here to settle for a spell, I want you to know I see you and you are magnificent just the way you are. You are enough and anything is possible. Please hug fear tight and leap into your dreams, for this wild earthly journey will be over in a blink. Be here now, the world needs your unique light and unapologetically ignitedHEART.


Thank you for being you and visiting my virtual home.


It’s a pleasure to connect through the web and I hope I get to hear your story soon live! 

Love Always,

About Janet-Lee Ropas

P.S. If you haven’t already, check out my offerings on how to ignite your heart & move through sacred transformation into intentional and empowered action, to magnetize your dreams in life & love.

Empowerment Coaching with Janet-Lee Ropast
Leap for your dreams with Janet-Lee Ropas coaching.
Life is short, be silly.
Fierce love, lil rockstar Janet-Lee Ropas


Janet-Lee Ropas Testimonial

Philadelphia, PA


Janet-Lee has been a beam of light in my life in so many ways. Each time I read her incredible writing it puts words to things that I am going through and often have yet to understand. The word that really comes to mind is wonder. If I've ever had a doubt that there is wonder in the world it only takes one call with Janet-Lee to hear her perspective on a situation to remember that there is beauty and hope in everything. I think the most beautiful thing about Janet-Lee is that she is able to be both vulnerable and wise, a student and a teacher, humble and powerful in all she does. Whether it has been talking through visioning the new year, morning rituals, or the power of dance I always find amazing guidance and reliability in her words. Her true gifts are in seeing other's light and being able to reflect it back to them in the form of writing, movement, and words. There is this powerful combination of different modalities that I can tell Janet-Lee draws upon and offers to clients in such an intuitive and clear manner that you feel like it is just a friend on your side who can see beyond any murkiness in your head! Thank you for all that you remind me of and share with the world.

Janet-Lee Ropas Testimonial

New York, NY


I am so grateful for Janet-Lee and her rare ability to help me open up my heart again. Our 7-week Sacred Soul Partner Magnetizing sessions were the best commitment I made to myself. Her deep wisdom, beautiful intuition and compassionate heart helped me to permanently transform my personal partnerships in a positive way. Her unconditional acceptance and openness created a safe space for me to share on a deeper level and understand my behaviors and patterns which never served me well. With her guidance, knowledge, patience, and gentle reminders I shifted from these past limitations and am now genuinely happier, stronger, and wiser. I am now in a great place to call in my sacred soul partner. I continue to incorporate the daily practices and self-care techniques Janet-Lee taught me because of the positive energy I receive from them and I enjoy them! Forever grateful. Thank you, Janet-Lee.

Janet-Lee Ropas Testimonial

Asheville, NC


I’m a big believer that when you choose to work with someone as a guide or a coach to support you on your path, that choosing someone that has actually done their own work and continues to deepen on their personal and spiritual journey is essential. Having worked closely with Janet-Lee as one of her mentor and guides for many years, I can tell you without a doubt that she is the real deal. Devoted and committed to her own practice and to always going deeper inside. Living in true partnership with another while also firmly rooted in herself. Facing her fears and challenges and choosing to use them as catalysts vs. game stoppers. Janet-Lee is compassionate and courageous, full of wonder and has a gift for helping women connect with their inner knowing and hearts.

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I'd love to send you ignitedHEART Letters. 

These are letters from my heart whispers, filled with inspiration, wisdom, tips, tools, sacred rituals & resources for your journey of sacred transformation. Teachings on how to love yourself fully & step into your power, unapologetically.


Your inbox is sacred...I will treasure it. I look forward to getting to know you & journeying together to create & spread more love & activate your inner warrioress, goddess, queen - unstoppable force within. 


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Meet Janet-Lee Ropas, Women's Empowerment Coach

© Janet-Lee Ropas, 2024 - All Rights Reserved

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